Nitin Desai

Stories by Nitin Desai

What Will FM's Budget Speech Focus On?

What Will FM's Budget Speech Focus On?   30 Jan 2025

The finance minister, in her Budget speech, should focus more on what she is directly responsible for, rather than on programmes where her role is largely supportive, notes Nitin Desai.

Dr Singh, Devoted Husband And Father

Dr Singh, Devoted Husband And Father   28 Dec 2024

Nitin Desai, who has known Dr Singh from 1971, extends his 'deepest condolences to his wife Gurcharan Kaur and to his three talented daughters Upinder, the historian; Daman, the writer; and Amrit, the human rights activist.'

Is Peace in Ukraine Possible?

Is Peace in Ukraine Possible?   10 Apr 2023

The responsibility for peace in Ukraine now rests in the hands of the two principal belligerents, Russia and the US, and the prime victim of this great power rivalry, Ukraine, points out Nitin Desai.

What Nirmalaji Must Include In The Budget Speech

What Nirmalaji Must Include In The Budget Speech   31 Jan 2023

The real requirement for the finance minister's explanatory speech is to explain the measures taken in the Budget to influence inflation and growth not just through the announcement of a deficit goal, but more broadly through the impact on money supply, consumer demand, foreign trade and investment, explains Nitin Desai.

Yoginder Alagh's Death Is A Loss To India

Yoginder Alagh's Death Is A Loss To India   7 Dec 2022

For Yoginder, it is a release from pain. But for us, his friends, it is the loss of a warm and generous life companion, says Nitin Desai of his 50-year association with the eminent economist who passed into the ages on December 6, 2022.

India, The Electoral Autocracy

India, The Electoral Autocracy   25 Oct 2022

'The most important priority for the next 25 years should be to strengthen our democracy so that it is supportive of social harmony, and to not just respect but to take pride in the diversity of Indian society in terms of the variety of languages, religion and religious practices and social norms,' explains Nitin Desai.

Challenges before NITI Aayog's Suman Bery

Challenges before NITI Aayog's Suman Bery   14 Jun 2022

The most immediate challenge for growth is the disruption of the global economy brought about by the Ukraine war and related sanctions, the Covid shutdowns in China and the rising tide of inflation, points out Nitin Desai.

What Modi must do to boost growth

What Modi must do to boost growth   30 Sep 2020

'The answer for a quicker boost to growth is simple -- run a much larger deficit, use the resulting public resources to ensure adequate price support for agriculture, subsidise wage costs of MSMEs and accelerate public sector construction-intensive activities,' advises Nitin Desai.

It does not look like a 'do or die' Budget

It does not look like a 'do or die' Budget   17 Feb 2020

'More a show that you are doing something in the Budget even if that something never actually comes to pass,' notes Nitin Desai.

How India can get back on high growth path

How India can get back on high growth path   25 Oct 2019

'The revival of household savings and investment is the litmus test of whether we are on the road to recovery,' says Nitin Desai.

Are we staring at a new NPA crisis?

Are we staring at a new NPA crisis?   28 Sep 2018

The measures to reduce the current account deficit should have focused far more on narrowing the trade imbalance, principally through export facilitation and linked FDI, says Nitin Desai.

Grand plans, Mr Jaitley, but where is the money?

Grand plans, Mr Jaitley, but where is the money?   13 Feb 2018

Is the Budget sufficiently prudent? It probably is but at the cost of substantial under-provisioning for the many grand sounding schemes announced in it, says Nitin Desai.

How India can meet its job creation challenge

How India can meet its job creation challenge   28 Dec 2017

How soon can India reach a point when there is no hidden underemployment and all who want work can find it at a fair wage and decent work conditions, asks Nitin Desai.

Will Samvat 2074 be good, bad or ugly?

Will Samvat 2074 be good, bad or ugly?   31 Oct 2017

If GDP growth in Q2FY18 remains below 7%, the outlook for Samvat 2074 would remain uncertain at best, says Nitin Desai.

How to revive India's economy

How to revive India's economy   3 Oct 2017

Nitin Desai suggests some concrete measures to revive investment and boost growth.

Rs 201 per day? Rs 277? How much welfare do Indians need?

Rs 201 per day? Rs 277? How much welfare do Indians need?   31 Jul 2017

Universal basic income or social security? Economist Nitin Desai feels we need a blueprint for universal health care and pensions to help the vulnerable section.

The fury of farmers

The fury of farmers   30 Jun 2017

Loan waivers will never be enough. Reforming the agricultural marketing system is essential to addressing the concerns of farmers in a sustainable manner, says Nitin Desai.

The road ahead is long and winding

The road ahead is long and winding   27 Apr 2017

From the roll-out of GST to H1B visa problems, the government needs to quickly deal with various disruptions.

Even BJP needs to look beyond caste and religion

Even BJP needs to look beyond caste and religion   31 Mar 2017

The party's most important electoral challenge lies in whether it can meet the aspirations of the youth who were drawn by the promise of gainful work.

The end of the world, as we knew it

The end of the world, as we knew it   4 Feb 2017

'An isolationist US and a disintegrating European Union will create a power vacuum that only China is in a position to fill -- a conclusion that is uncomfortable but unavoidable,' says Nitin Desai.